Our Mission & Vision
Raising generations of disciples of Jesus. Preparing them for a lifetime walk with the Lord and service to Him
"Come follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." - Matt 4:19
To provide a place of excellence where the children can sense God’s love and compassion in everything and everyone.
To demonstrate to the children God’s character and their value to the Lord through acts of kindness such as meals, scholarships, benevolence and creative, dynamic teachings that bring them to the realization of who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for them.
To provide opportunities for the children to come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and to develop in them a desire to walk daily with Him.
To develop disciples of Jesus Christ and foster activities that will encourage them to serve.
To identify and develop young people that have a calling from God to serve Him on a full time basis.
To provide opportunities to share God’s love with the parents that do not know Christ.